Thursday 7 April 2011

That sounds like a great idea! Lets do it!

Today I stayed home because I wasn't feeling to well... I felt like eating a chocolate croissant but instead settled for a cupcake...
I relaxed the entire day but couldn't get my mind off the Worldwide pageant! I need to be practicing more! Yesterday I watched the dvd of the Miss India South Africa pageant just to see where I could spend some extra time.

I met Minister Paul Mashatile for dinner after work and he was very motivational... He told me about the times he spent in jail and how it felt to be oppressed and now to finally have freedom is something he thanks God for everyday. I couldn't help thinking that we forget these things and the History that we South Africans come from. He also told me that I must always stay grounded and always be approachable... He continued... "no other Minister would have time for you the way i do... and you need to have that approachability always if you want your people to be happy with your work and services to them." What an insightful dinner that was. I am grateful to have had that dinner with him.

The other day I saw a lady collecting water from a pot hole in the road to drink.... That brought tears to my eyes. I was so upset with myself for being worried about what I would wear to the Worldwide pageant while this lady is worrying about survival. I spoke to Daren about this and told him that I wanted to do something about this, "no human being living in the times and technology that we live in today should have to suffer like that EVER!" I said to him.   So I saw this little gadget on TV the other day that turns filthy water into clean drinkable water and I knew what i had to do. I BBM'd Shaney and told her that I wanted to make this my campaign, to which she replied " that sounds like a great idea! lets do it!"