Miss India SA's Journey

Bonnita has always been an extrovert and desired to be Miss World from the age of 5. 

From a young age, Bonnita started doing Ramp Modeling (Fashion shows) for free just to get some exposure. She then got an opportunity to do a magazine shoot alongside other ladies for Transformation corporation (a gym wear line).

Bonnita decided to enter the regional round first (Miss India Gauteng) where she won 2nd Princess and Best Personality. She then had automatic entry to Nationals In Durban (Miss India South Africa) where she won “Best Talent” award and the prestigious title of Miss India SA 2010.

Bonnita performed a fusion of Arabian and Indian dance to the sounds of Jai Ho by the Pussycat dolls and AR Rahman. This is a very important round in the Pageant.

Miss India South Africa Pageant promotes Arts and Culture.
This allows for a female to be a well rounded individual and indicates fitness.

“I chose this talent simply because it is what I am good at and that it represents both the art of Arabian dancing and the Indian Culture”.