Tuesday 23 August 2011

Incredible India Day - 13 August 2011

I was the MC for Incredible India Day at Brightwater Commons 13th August 2011.

I will always remain Miss India South Africa 2010

Hi Friends, my reign as Miss India South Africa is coming to an end. I will be passing down my crown 3rd September 2011 in Durban. Mixed emotions right now, what an awesome year it has been. So many highlights for me.

Lets take a look back into the year:

Monday 15 August 2011

She's got the look - Get it Magazine Article

Randburg’s Bonnita Samputh is the reigning Miss India South Africa. We chat to her about winning the crown, her guilty pleasures and the best curry in Jozi.
Why did you decide to enter Miss India South Africa?
When I was a little girl, I used to prance around with my hand on my hip and wouldn’t be caught dead without my Barbie handbag or my see-through pink heels. I loved the idea of being a beauty queen. I decided to enter the competition because I felt like it was the right time in my life and I knew I was ready on an emotional level.
What is the most exciting part about being Miss India South Africa?
The opportunity to travel ... meeting new people, seeing new places and learning more about different cultures. One of the prizes I won, is a trip to India. I’ve never been there but I think it’s going to be incredible. I recently went to Dubai to compete in Miss India Worldwide. Making it to the top five gave me a huge confidence boost.
What does it mean to be Miss India South Africa?
I’m an ambassador of goodwill and a role model for young girls. I want to use this platform to help the underprivileged and make a difference.
What is your favourite TV show?
Keeping up with the Kardashians – I feel like I can relate to them because my family is just as big and crazy. We have our ups and downs but at the end of the day we stick together no matter what. My stepfather is a bit outnumbered in our home. I have three sisters so there are five women if you include my mother.
What did you want to be when you were a little girl?
A heart surgeon, I’ve always admired Chris Barnard for his amazing achievements.
I’d love to meet … Mark Zuckerburg, the creative genius behind Facebook. I think it would be interesting to have a sneak peak into his mind and find out what makes him tick.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can whistle like a boy, using my two fingers. When we scored our first goal during the Soccer World Cup, I was so excited I let out an ear-piercing whistle … no one expected a noise like that to come from someone like me. I’m also pretty good at belly dancing – it was my talent for Miss India SA.  It’s really good exercise and it’s entertaining to watch.
If I want to relax I … go to the gym. It’s a fantastic way to unwind and take your mind off everything.
Why did you decide to enter Miss India South Africa?
When I was a little girl, I used to prance around with my hand on my hip and wouldn’t be caught dead without my Barbie handbag or my see-through pink heels. I loved the idea of being a beauty queen. I decided to enter the competition because I felt like it was the right time in my life and I knew I was ready on an emotional level.
What is the most exciting part about being Miss India South Africa?
The opportunity to travel ... meeting new people, seeing new places and learning more about different cultures. One of the prizes I won, is a trip to India. I’ve never been there but I think it’s going to be incredible. I recently went to Dubai to compete in Miss India Worldwide. Making it to the top five gave me a huge confidence boost.
What does it mean to be Miss India South Africa?
I’m an ambassador of goodwill and a role model for young girls. I want to use this platform to help the underprivileged and make a difference.
What is your favourite TV show?
Keeping up with the Kardashians – I feel like I can relate to them because my family is just as big and crazy. We have our ups and downs but at the end of the day we stick together no matter what. My stepfather is a bit outnumbered in our home. I have three sisters so there are five women if you include my mother.
What did you want to be when you were a little girl?
A heart surgeon, I’ve always admired Chris Barnard for his amazing achievements.
I’d love to meet … Mark Zuckerburg, the creative genius behind Facebook. I think it would be interesting to have a sneak peak into his mind and find out what makes him tick.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can whistle like a boy, using my two fingers. When we scored our first goal during the Soccer World Cup, I was so excited I let out an ear-piercing whistle … no one expected a noise like that to come from someone like me. I’m also pretty good at belly dancing – it was my talent for Miss India SA.  It’s really good exercise and it’s entertaining to watch.
If I want to relax I … go to the gym. It’s a fantastic way to unwind and take your mind off everything.
Guilty pleasures
My Hollywood crush is ... David Beckham – because no one can bend it like Beckham!
My guilty secret is … chocolate. I have a stash in my bedside table that I eat every night before I go to sleep. My favourite treat is Astros. Just last week, I ate three of those massive boxes all by myself.
My favourite restaurant is ... La Scala in Monte Casino. They make the most divine Linguine Gamberetti. I also love the ambiance, it’s magical!
The best place to buy curry is … the Curry Palace on Main Street in Randburg. I always get the chicken vindaloo, it’s absolutely delicious! After my mom’s, its gotta be the best curry in Joburg.
When it comes to fashion I’m a big fan of ... Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, Vera Wang and Roberto Cavalli. I have expensive taste!
If I want to indulge I tuck into … a Magnum Almond. It’s the only thing I ever buy in bulk.
5 things you didn’t know about Bonnita
Forget chocolate and fresh roses ... she loves the smell of wet cement, Jeyes fluid and petrol.
She has over 260 pairs of shoes and can’t wait to add to her already impressive collection.
Bonnita had braces for an exasperating five years but says it was totally worth it in the long term.
She’s a ‘neat freak’ and admits she battles to sleep unless her bedroom is spotless and perfectly organized.
She works at Investec in the operational risk department but is planning to put her diploma in interior design to use in the near future.

This Article is taken from Get it Magazine North website.


Friday 12 August 2011

Incredible India Day

Hello Friends

Happy Friday! 

Last night i attended Krystle T Album Launch. It was amazing. She has a stunning voice. Boki from last years Idols was there. He sang new songs from his Album. Melanie Lowe also performed. Will put pictures up soon.

Tomorrow I will be hosting Incredible India Day at Brightwater Commons, if you in the area come say hello. We have loads of prizes to give away. 

See you tomorrow

Love Bonnita

Thursday 11 August 2011

Platinum Dinner Reception for Incredible India Day

The 3rd Annual India Club Incredible India Festival kicked off in spectacular fashion on Wednesday night, August 10th, with the Platinum Dinner opening night reception.
The who's who of the South African and Indian lifestyle market descended upon the Greenside eatery, Spiceburg Restaurant to welcome and honor our special guests and artists from India. The gala event hosted by Ganesha Communications welcomed the sponsors and artists together at a dinner reception in spectacular style.

VIP’s and Platinum Sponsors
The dinner attended by special guests of the Indian Government Consular personnel R of Chancery Mr Masakui and wife, Assamese Stateswoman MP, honorable Sushmita Dev (MLA) of Silchar, platinum sponsors, State Bank Of India, Tata Motors, Jet Airways and Incredible India.

Dev’s presence was overwhelming and a trove of information regarding India and its glorious democracy. Sushmita Dev, an advocate by profession is the youngest daughter of ex Union Minister Santosh Mohan Dev and sitting MLA of Silchar Bithika Dev. She has a strong political background as her forefathers have been the political arena for a long time in Indian politics.
Ms Sushmita Dev actioned her sociable duties as any politician and engaged Mr Sunil Menon and other guests in deep discussions over a variety of topics which ranged from the legacy of Gandhi, the recent column written by Aatish Taseer on his father’s immense hate for India and the Nehru post Independence policies.

Also present were a medley of media from varied broadcasting and print mediums who were abuzz with activity with interviews and photo shoots with the VIP guests. Miss India South Africa with her Shemei entourage added the sparkle with her co-host popular South Africa based DJ Zuby of Mumbai. Special patron guest and well known journalist, Mr Fakir Hassen who needed no introduction to the guests was immediately ushered from table to table and was in high demand for his latest authored book, ‘250 Bollywood Encounters’.

Zee Networks, Territory Head – Mr Vishwa Mohan swirled around the meet and greet and was a pleasant as always guest! Tata Motors represented by Mr Sreenath Punathil, Mr Shaheer Abrahams and Mr Rudrarup Maitra present were engaging and pleasant guests to host who clearly enjoyed their time mingling.

Business Talk
Business seemed to be highlight conversation at the table of Jet Airways’ General Manager Alex Cost and Sales Manager, Mr Dinesh Saran who were in deep conversation with Mr Rod Rutter, CEO of XL Travel and Mr Jay Bhula of Harveyworld Travel.
This was often distracted with the immense servings that were ladled in prompt hospitable service of the Spiceburg Restaurant staffers who ensured every table in the venue was well serviced.

Tales of India
Playing host to key sponsor, Naufal Khan spent the better part of the evening in engaging discussion with Mr Wilson Sudhakar of Incredible India.
Khan and Sudhakar’s discussions led to discovery of the India Tourism passion for people and the objection of human rights abuse that is rife in India. Especially now with the recent riots that broke out last week with the upcoming release of Nu Metro Bollywood’s release of Aarakshan by Prakash Jha, starring Prateik, Deepika Padukone, Saif Ali Khan and Mr Bollywood himself – Amitabh Bachchan which premieres in South Africa this week, August 12th.
Mr Sudhakar who divulged his immense passion for writing poetry. The India Tourism head who exits South Africa this year after 2 years of heading the promotion of India will be taking office in India who looks forward to the change but impressed the fact South Africa will be missed sorely as this was home to him as well.

Gourmet explosion
The venue, Spiceburg Restaurant pulled out all the stops to entertain guests with a burst of authentic Indian cuisine that left guests surprised at the variety of tastes they encountered.
‘Chicken 65’ was the order of the day as waiters scuffled in prompt fashion as the dish was a hit with everyone at the venue. But to everyone’s surprise the main dishes were yet to be served with a tapa’s style selection of dishes ranging from vegetarian, meat and chicken dishes
Incredible India Day, 13th August 2011 at The Brightwater Commons
The highlight discussion that is still a mystery is the program of events that has been mentioned to be nothing more that spectacular by all means at the 13th August festival including a Bengali marriage. The unique factor of this international troupe is the selection of artists commissioned for this festival. They represent the tribal component of India with a similar comparison to our local African tribal clans and culture.

The content line-up for the event is a never before seen set of performances of Assam that will come alive on stage at The Brightwater Commons.

The artists who will be performing this Saturday at The Brightwater Commons for the Incredible India Day festival in commemoration of the 65th Indian Independence Day celebrations. The festival kicks off at 10AM sharp and completes at 4pm. Patrons will have the opportunity to meet the troupe and interact with them personally apart from the medley of bargain shopping stalls and the incredible variety of food that will be prepared from authentic Indian food from Spiceburg who will be at the festival amongst, Naickers Durban Curry, Shayona and quick snacks from Hema!

Mystery prizes from our generous sponsors Jet Airways, State Bank of India, DSTV India, Nu Metro Bollywood and a host of other prizes are up for grabs as DJ Zuby of Mumbai and Miss India South Africa will hand out during the course of the day to patrons. A fun filled family line-up of entertainment with ample shaded rest areas will be setup to accommodate the patrons.
India Club and Ganesha Communications welcome all to this event to celebrate the diversity of cultures and deep historical ties of South Africa and India.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Shemei wishes Miss India South Africa 2010 - Bonnita Samputh a Happy Birthday!!

The Shemei Team would like to wish our Ambassador 
everything of the best for today!
May the years continue to be good to you. Happy Birthday!You're not getting older, you're getting better.May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires.Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest.Happy Birthday, and may all the wishes and dreams you dream today turn to reality.May this day bring to you all things that make you smile. Happy Birthday!Your best years are still ahead of you.May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer.You'll always be forever young.Today is your day to shine as every day should be. Happy Birthday!No one can hold a candle to you. Happy Birthday!I hope that your birthday is as wonderful as you are.God gave a gift to the world when you were born; a person who loves and cares, who sees a person's need and fills it, who encourages and lifts people up, who spends energy on others rather than himself, who touches each life he enters & makes a difference in the world. May the love you have shown to others return to you multiplied.Don't count the years, count the blessings.Wishing you a year filled with the same joy you bring to others.Wishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come.No one deserves a happier birthday than you.

Monday 1 August 2011

Miss India South Africa makes her debut on Sisterhood Show - ETV

Catch Miss India South Africa Bonnita Samputh today 4pm on Sisterhood show ETV. If you miss it today, the repeat will be on Saturday at 09:05 am. She has a special surprise for you so don't miss it :)

This Month's Issue of CLEO Magazine